New Website, New Direction

Greetings, friends! Mox and I have been hard at work on our Disparate Worlds project, and given recent changes I thought I’d publish a quick update.

First, new website! I’m still making tweaks to polish things up here and there, but for the most part we’re on our feet. The former website looked incredible, but the theme we were using was difficult to manage and it had some technical dependencies that were proving to be uncooperative and unnecessarily expensive. This new site, on the other hand, uses a much more versatile theme and I am very excited about its capabilities. We have many good things on the horizon and this new site is positioned to help us maximize making them accessible to the community.

Second, Moxys and I have decided to adjust our direction slightly. Previously we were covering Ashes of Creation and Pantheon – Rise of the Fallen news on this website -essentially echoing everything Intrepid and Visionary Realms were putting out. However, simply relaying the news (even if we put our own spin on it) can get tedious, and we felt it was offering little value to the community. Both studios have strong, active community engagement teams, after all, so why tune in to a secondary source when you can just get the news straight from the… well… source?

As a result, Mox and I have decided to omit covering the news on this website from our mission. We still intend to cover it and dissect it on our episodes, of course, but going forward this website’s new direction will feature our talk show episodes, articles, reviews, guides, helpful tools, and links. I am still looking into options that automate echoing the news, probably from the respective studios’ Discord servers, so stay tuned.

In the meanwhile, Mox is still working on his Tenets of Pantheon series and we are still working to connect with other content creators. Mox even has a new PantheonPlus profile, thanks to Draq. Again, many good things are on the horizon so stay with us. If you haven’t yet, join our Discord server and jump into the conversation. See you there!

About Sechari 28 Articles
With a slowly-fading South African accent since having moved to the United States in 1999, Sechari is an avid RPG content creator, positive-gaming advocate, and Myers Briggs Type Indicator enthusiast.

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